There is no denying the power of a business card, a good business card can convey a lot about both you and your company. From the clean-cut economy card to crisp finish laminated card options, we can help you.
450gsm Silk Laminated
85mm x 55mm
Gloss Laminated Business Cards
All jobs must be 'proof approved' before printing. We, Spectrum Print & Sign Co, do not offer returns because all jobs are printed to customer specifications, have been 'proof approved', and cannot be resold. We do not offer exchanges or refunds. By placing a business card order, you are accepting that the artwork has been approved by you, and we, Spectrum Print & Sign Co, do not accept responsibility for incorrect business cards. If your job is damaged, please advise us within 7 days of receipt, by emailing your sales representative. The job must be returned to receive a credit. Please Note: We do not accept responsibility for any courier issues, once the job has left our premises.